June 8, 2024 11 am CT: Father Bill Watson, SJ will introduce a new online discernment program, “True Hearts” used by the Archdiocese of Seattle
About Fr. William M. Watson, S.J., D. Min
Fr. Bill Watson, S.J. specializes in building enduring Ignatian-based programs that stand the test of time. The Encounterprogram at Jesuit High School in Portland, Oregon turned 40 in 2019 and has transformed the school. The 5-Day Ignatian Retreatat Georgetown University had its 30th anniversary in 2017 and the Georgetown Freshman ESCAPE retreat celebrated its 25thanniversary in 2016.
Many evangelization programs have a shelf-life or become the victims of unplanned obsolesce. The evangelization programs of Sacred Story Institute, based on Fr. Watson’s past track record, will become part of your faith community and endure in their relevance and effectiveness for decades to come. Invest in programs that will carry your faith community forward, built on the time-tested spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola.
Patterned after a regular Serra meeting, Serra Meets offers an online program from leading clergy and experts on the topic of Catholic vocations on the second Saturday of each month. Each presentation is designed to inspire you and keep you connected to the Serra mission.
The monthly presentations open and close with prayer and feature notable speaker(s), followed by a Serra business topic. They are a wonderful opportunity for Serrans across the United States to come together. Serra Meets sessions are recorded and available for viewing and download on our YouTube channel.
Be sure to subscribe to the US Council of Serra International YouTube channel to keep up-to-date on all Serra programming.
Serra Meets is organized and hosted by the US Council of Serra International.
For information about this month's speaker and a link to log in (or for links to past episodes on YouTube), visit Serra Meets on the Serra USA Council website.Upcoming Speakers
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