Deacon Steve Holton, Fort Worth Serra Club Chaplain, offers monthly spiritual reflections here on our website and at club events to guide our lives, prayer and work as Serrans.
A founding member of Holy Family Parish since 1969, Deacon Steve was ordained to the permanent diaconate in August 2020 and has been assigned to Saint Peter the Apostle in White Settlement since then. Married to Debi Holton since 1981, the couple has two daughters and three grandchildren. Deacon Steve was appointed Chaplain of Fort Worth Serra Club by Bishop Olson in August 2023.
Brothers and sisters,
Reverend Brett Metzler, a Fort Worth diocesan priest, Vocations Director, and Chaplain of Nolan High School, presided over Sunday Masses on August 10 at Saint Peter the Apostle, while the Pastor, Reverend Alex Ambrose, was away on holiday.
During his homily, Father Metzler spoke about the challenge for seminarians immersed in the rigors of seminary and their struggle with boredom. Essentially, the same schedule of daily prayer, breakfast, mass, classes, prayer, dinner, and homework can profoundly affect these men. Father said that simply adding more time for adoration, prayer, and devotion is not always the solution. He explained that there are generally three outcomes; some men find this redundancy more than they can bear and leave seminary; some accept the monotony of this schedule and acquiesce in silence, staying the course, and some attempt to go deeper into their faith life by seeking “outlets of service” to draw themselves closer to God. This third group finds that through acts of service, they experience an immediate sense of purpose, aiding them in overcoming the feelings of monotony and boredom.
Father Metzler used this example to explain why the percentage of Catholics who have fallen away from their faith and do not believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist has increased. A possible explanation is the distraction of the message of the secular world, which brings about uncertainty, confusion, and chaos and for many, distorts our focus away from the traditional tenets of faith and spirituality. The message from the world is generally individualized self-focus and a desire for more entertainment, more wealth, more free time, and more personal satisfaction.
Father Metzler's prescription requires the individual to go deeper into our faith through acts of service, which we can agree is a sound and viable option. In service to others, we can see the face of God in those we serve.
Individuals seeking a closer relationship with the most Holy Trinity must deny themselves and seek opportunities of service. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25:40.
I believe Serra Club, with a mission to sustain and support clergy and religious and with special attention to our seminarian, is an excellent example of going deeper into a life of faith. Programs such as VAP, clergy and seminarian appreciation dinners, Saint Andrew Breakfasts, and many more activities, support this. Through these activities let us show that God is enough!
Brothers and Sisters, let us take to heart the wise counsel from Father Metzler and seek the Face of God in service to our seminarians. The future of Jesus’s one true Church depends on us!
God Bless you all!
Deacon Steve Holton, Chaplain
Serra Club Fort Worth